1. The other would come behind him and fill the hole -- fill, fill, fill. These two men worked furiously; one digging a hole, the other filling it up again. ��һ��������֮���-��һֱ��һֱ������˹���ʱŭĿ����һ��������һ���ְ�����������
2. Fill in the amount of taxable income in Blank 18. If unable to fill in the amount of taxable income precisely, fill in the amount of gross income. ������18��Ӧ���Ȱ�Ӧ��˰���ö��������ȷ�Ӧ��˰���ö�ģ�����������
3. Fill in the amount of taxable income in Blank 12. If unable to fill in the amount of taxable income precisely, fill in the amount of gross income. ������12��Ӧ���Ȱ�Ӧ��˰���ö��������ȷ�Ӧ��˰���ö�ģ�����������
4. According to their building material, dams are described as concrete, earth fill, rock fill, hydraulic fill and so on. �����������ò��ϣ����Ѱӳ�Ϊ�������ӡ������ӡ���ʯ�ӣ�ˮ������ӵȵȡ�
5. If you need to fill the "Paid or Borne outside China" item, it's necessary to fill both items; otherwise fill the first item content(i. e. ���С��й�������ҵ֧�������������������߱����������õ�һ�����ݣ��й�����֧��������