1. A Fiat slowly nosed its way out into the fast lane. һ���������ء��������뿪��������ʻ���˿쳵����
2. He will likely leave all the car stuff for Fiat and Marchionne to decide on. �����ܻ��뿪���еĶ����ķ�������������������������
3. All government loans are to be repaid before Fiat could take majority ownership of Chrysler in the future. ��δ�����е��������������ǰ�������ܹ���ÿ���˹�մ��������Ȩ��
1. a legally binding command or decision entered on the court record (as if issued by a court or judge)
Fiat ������;
Polski Fiat ����������;
����������(��һ��ע) (��һ��ע);
Fiat SpA ������;
FIAT AUTO ����������;