1. How to express patriotic fervor? Passion to be both more rational! ���Ǹ���α��ﰮ������?��Ҫ�����Ҫ���ԣ�
2. Still, some say the rally needs to pause to digest gains and take some speculative fervor out of the market. ������ˣ���Щ�˻���˵���ַ�����Ҫ��ͣ�������������������г��е�һЩͶ�����ȡ�
3. Winger should from fan there request more supports, at general meeting of shareholders's speech indicate him to Asenna fervor. �¸���Ӧ����������Ҫ�����֧�֣��ɶ�����ϵķ��Ա���������ɭ�ɵļ��顣
1. feelings of great warmth and intensity
2. the state of being emotionally aroused and worked up