1. Organic methods, which rely on crop rotation, manure and compost in place of fertiliser , are far less intensive. �л�������ʽ����������ϸ������ʹ�û�ѧ���ϣ���Ҫ�����������ʺͻ�Ϸʡ�
2. ONE of the things holding back agriculture in developing countries is the unwillingness of farmers with small plots of land to invest in better seed and fertiliser. �谭��չ�й���ũҵ��չ�������кܶ࣬����֮һ����ӵ��С�����ص�ũ��Ը���ڸ��õ����Ӻͷ�����Ͷ�ʡ�
3. The government must also sell stakes in engineering works, mines, fertiliser factories and other state-owned companies��and on the scale that its advisers recommended. ����ҲҪ���۹�����Ŀ����������ʳ�������������ҵ�еĹɷݣ����������ݹ��ʵIJο������
1. any substance such as manure or a mixture of nitrates used to make soil more fertile