manner ��ָ�ж������ⷽʽ����صķ����� method ָ��ϵͳ���������ذ��»�������ķ����� way ��ͨ�ôʣ���ָһ��ķ�������ʱҲָ���˵ķ�����ʽ��Ҳ��ָ����ķ�ʽ���� mode �����ôʣ���ָ����˰��û�ͳϰ�����ض���ѭ�ķ����� fashion ���ض��صij����ʽ����ָ���˵�ƫ����ϰ�ߡ� means ָΪ�ﵽij��Ŀ�Ļ�Ŀ������õķ������ֶλ�;���� approach ָ����ij�µ��ر���;����
1. She fashioned a necklace from paper clips. ���ѱ����Ƴ���һ��������
2. Look at all these clothes designed by top fashion designers. ������Щ�ɶ���ʱװ���ʦ��Ƶ��·���
3. This was not a fashion show. I was designing the lighting for installation art. �ⲻ��һ��ʱװ�㣬������Ϊһ������װ��չ����Ƶƹ⡣
1. how something is done or how it happens
2. characteristic or habitual practice
3. the latest and most admired style in clothes and cosmetics and behavior
4. consumer goods (especially clothing) in the current mode v.
1. make out of components (often in an improvising manner)