1. The worker (including the farm labourer) as a rule owns no land or farm implements, though some do own a very small amount of land and very few farm implements. ���ˣ���ũ���ڣ�һ��ȫ�����غ��ߣ���Щ�����м�С���ֵ����غ��ߡ�
2. We want to buy Agriculture, Farm Machines and Tools, Dairy Equipment, Agricultural Machinery and Parts, Equipment for Dairy and Beef Farm Agriculture, Farm Machines and Tools. ����Ҫ�ɹ�ũҵ��ũ�û������ߣ���Ʒ�豸��ũҵ��е��������豸������Ʒ��ţ��ũ��ũҵ��ũ�û������ߡ�
3. Typically, only those farm operators who could farm on a large scale and achieve the high productivity possible through massive investments in farm equipment could made farming pay. һ��˵����ֻ����Щ�ܹ����д��ģ���ֲ�ͨ����ũҵ�豸�ϴ���Ͷ���Ծ�������������ʵ�ũ�����Ż�Ӿ�Ӫ�л��档
4. It is reported that the water of Yanhai Farm and Wenke Farm was acidified and �����ݺ�Ϻ�����Ŀ�Ϻ����ˮ������̣������߽ڶ�Ϻ�����Ի�����Ӧ��
5. That year he also signed a massive increase in farm subsidies so as not to antagonise farm-state congressmen facing election that autumn. ͬ�꣬Ϊ�����^�Ĺ���ѡ������ȡũҵ������֧�֣�������ȵ�������ũҵ������
cancel cross out dash out expurgation score out stroke out ɾȥ;
cancel cross out dash out expurgation score out stroke out ɾȥ;
carry out carry through follow out saw out seeing out �᳹;
cancel cross out dash out expurgation score out stroke out ɾȥ;
crush out die extinguish go out put out quench slake went out wink Ϩ��;