1. ARMAND: That is the very spirit of your age. The heart of it. Your fall from grace has been the fall of a century. ����â�������������ʱ���ı��ʡ������ֿ������ʵ�Ķ����Ѿ���һ�����͵Ķ����ˡ�
2. Created by Douglas Nestler, Masters student in double bass performance, Fall 2004. Updated by Elisabeth La Foret, Fall 2005. ������Ŀ�Ǵӵ�������ͼ�����ժ¼����ͼ������ɵ�����˹����˹���մ�����2004�꣬��������ɯ�ף���������2005����¡�
3. Fall�� With you, I fall so fast. ����һ���䡭�����̫���ˡ�
4. Their deferral of karma caused a fall upon earth, and now the karmic return of such a dance is to experience a fall in the Sirian dance. ���ǵ�ҵ���ӳ��������˵����һ���µ������ڣ������赸��ҵ���黹��Ϊ�����������赸������һ���µ���
5. However, in my view, this fall, and then struggle to fall process is not very meaningful, it is brilliant it? �������ҿ���������������ٵ�������ķܶ����̲�Ҳ�Ǻ������壬�ܻԻ͵���
fall out of use fell out of use get out of use went out of use ����;
fall out of use fell out of use get out of use went out of use ����;
fall out of use fell out of use get out of use went out of use ����;
autumn fall the fall of leaf the fall of the leaf ����;
autumn fall the fall of leaf the fall of the leaf ����;