1. The organization shall provide resources for tool and gauge design, fabrication and verification activities. ��֯ӦΪ���ߺ����ߵ�����������֤��ṩ��Դ��
2. TIFF format can serve as the bridge between designing and printing, and help to improve fabrication and output result. tiff��ʽ���������ӡˢ���������ã��Ӷ�����������������Ҫ��Ч����
3. Another implementation of the fabrication process simply deposits the entire seed layer in a single continuous step to provide a unitary, monolithic seed layer. ��������̵���һ��ʵʩ���Ե��������IJ���س����������Ӳ㣬�Ա��ṩ��һ�ġ���Ƭ���Ӳ㡣
1. a deliberately false or improbable account
2. writing in a fictional form
3. the act of making something (a product) from raw materials
4. the act of constructing something (as a piece of machinery)
5. the deliberate act of deviating from the truth