1. Objective To repair trauma of eyelid with cosmetic operation and technique. Ŀ����ѭ�������ѧԭ��ͼ������������ˡ�
2. Objective To analyze the diagnosis and surgery of the eyelid malignant tumor. Ŀ�ķ���̽������������������ϼ�����Ч����
3. Another plausible scenario, says Olivier, is that lead itself could directly stimulate immune cells already present in the eyelid. ������˵����һ�ֿ��ܵ�����ǣ�Ǧ�ܹ�ֱ�Ӽ����������Ѿ����ڵ�����ϸ����
1. either of two folds of skin that can be moved to cover or open the eye