1. As the development of extradition system, a series of principles concerned appear. ���������ƶȵIJ����ͷ�չ��������һϵ������ԭ��
2. Kenneth Freemen told a Hong Kong court Monday he believes it is in his best interest to voluntarily accept extradition. ����˹������������һ�����һ�ҷ�ͥ˵������Ϊ��Ը�������ɷ�������������档
3. However, the U. S. does not have an extradition treaty with China so officials waited for Freeman to leave China before arresting him. ���������������й�û��������Լ�������йع�Աһֱ�ȵ��������뿪�й�ʱ�Ž���������
1. the surrender of an accused or convicted person by one state or country to another (usually under th