1. A. Humanistic expressive arts therapy differs from medical expressive arts therapy. �˽⡰���������Ʒ����Ķ��塣
2. You can make your graphs look as you want them to in respect of color, background, pattern, surface style, line style, symbol style, and label style. �����ʹ���ͼ������ɫ����������֡��������з���ŷ���Լ���ǩ���ȷ���������Ҫ��
3. The first is independence innovation style, the second is imitatively innovation style, the third is cooperative innovation style, and the forth is non-key technology innovation style. һ����ģ�´���Ϊ�����Ķ��μ�������ģʽ�����������ƻ���ʵ��˫ӮΪĿ��ĺ�����������ģʽ�������������µĿƼ�����ģʽ�����ǷǺ��ļ����Ĵ���ģʽ��
4. Style information may be contained in an externally linked style sheet or, in HTML, may be contained either in a style element or in a style attribute on specific elements. ��ʽ��Ϣ���������ⲿ������ʽ���ļ���HTML�ڲ���Ҳ����������ʽԪ���л��DZ��Ԫ�ص���ʽ�����С�
5. Studing Giotto style carefully, we can eassyly find that it connected with non-Rom style, Byzantium style and Goth style. �߽������з��������ʷ�����ǿ�������Ŀ���������ͳ����ռͥ��ͳ�����ش�ͳ��֮ǧ˿���Ƶ���ϵ��