1. Parents usually expect too much of their children. ��ĸͨ��������Ů�������ϣ����
2. When you swim you expect the water to hold you up. ������ˮ����Ӿ����ϣ��ˮ�����������һ����
3. How can they expect to learn anything when they never listen? ���ǵ����ǴӲ�������������ָ��ѧ�������أ�
1. regard something as probable or likely
2. consider obligatory; request and expect
3. look forward to the probable occurrence of
4. consider reasonable or due
5. be pregnant with
6. look forward to the birth of a child
expect Ԥ��,Ԥ��;
expect of �ԡ�����(Ҫ��);
�ԡ�����(Ҫ��) Ӣ��ѧϰ��;