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�ʵ� | ���� | ���ʱ� | ������ | �ɿ���ҳ

expect [ik'spekt]



    vt. ������ָ����[��]��Ϊ��Ԥ��
    vi. �ڴ���Ԥ��



desire   ��������ʽׯ�أ����ؿ��������������У�������ǿ�ҵ���ͼ��Ŀ�ġ�
wish   ������������ָ����ʵ�ֻ򲻿���ʵ�ֵ�Ը����
hope   ָ��Ը��ʵ����һ�����ĵ�ϣ����
expect   ͨ��ָ�кܴ�̶ȵİ��գ����Ժ���Ԥ��֮�⣬��Ԥ��ij�»�ij�ж��ķ�����
want   һ��ָ����Ҫ�Ķ����������õ��Ķ��������ֲ�ʵ����Ҫ��
long   ����ǿ��ָ�����е������ţ��������������ں��ѻ򲻿��ܵõ��Ķ�������ʱҲָһ��Ը��������һ������ɫ�ʡ�


    1. Parents usually expect too much of their children.
    2. When you swim you expect the water to hold you up.
    3. How can they expect to learn anything when they never listen?


      1. regard something as probable or likely
      2. consider obligatory; request and expect
      3. look forward to the probable occurrence of
      4. consider reasonable or due
      5. be pregnant with
      6. look forward to the birth of a child


    Ԥ��,Ԥ��; ����; �ڴ�; Ԥ��;
    expect of
    �ԡ�����(Ҫ��); �ԡ���������; ϣ��; �ԡ�����(Ҫ��) Ӣ��ѧϰ��;
    expect cost
    Expect Emotions
    Expect Result


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