1. The answer may lie no deeper than Walter Matthau's one-liner about poker exemplifying "the worst aspects of capitalism that have made our country so great". �����ֶ��ء�����һ�л���Ϊ��̣��˿��ǡ�ʹ�ҹ����ٲ�ʢ���ʱ������������ɡ���
2. When we classify apples as apples, for instance, universalists say that something could qualify to be classified as an apple only by exemplifying being an apple. �����ǰ�ƻ������Ϊƻ����ʱ��������˵��ij�����ܹ����ʸ���Ϊƻ�����������֡���ƻ������
3. The Florida Keys are a microcosm, exemplifying the swift changes brought about by the actions of humankind globally, with causes as varied as the individuals who leave their mark. �������СȺ�����С�����ֵط�ӳ��ȫ����������Ȼ�������Ѹ���ı仯��