1. The rumors excite her curiosity. ҥ�����������ĺ����ġ�
2. A little bonus can excite the staff to hard work. һ��㽱��Ϳ��Դ̼�Ա������Ŭ���Ĺ�����
3. Finally, it is found that the precipitation particles do excite gravity waves propagating upward. Ҳ�����˽�ˮ���ӳ���Ͳ�������������������ϴ�����
1. arouse or elicit a feeling
2. act as a stimulant
3. raise to a higher energy level
4. stir feelings in
5. cause to be agitated, excited, or roused
6. stimulate sexually
7. stir the feelings, emotions, or peace of
8. produce a magnetic field in