1. The chancellor of the Exchequer groaned about our dwindling dollar resources. ������Ϊ����������ٵ���Ԫ�������пࡣ
2. As chancellor of the exchequer, if the IMF dared criticise the British economy he used to be dismissive. ���ϲ�������ʱ������IMF���Ҷ�Ӣ�����ô�ë��ã����Դ˻��мһ�ˡ�
3. Latin American recessions can cost the exchequer 20% of its revenues, compared with 6% for the OECD as a whole. ˥�˿��ܵ�����������ʧȥ20%�IJ������룬���֮�£�OECD��Ϊ����ֻ����ʧ6%��
1. the funds of a government or institution or individual