1. The chancellor of the Exchequer groaned about our dwindling dollar resources. 财政大臣为我们日益减少的美元储备而叫苦。
2. As chancellor of the exchequer, if the IMF dared criticise the British economy he used to be dismissive. 他认财政部长时,假如IMF胆敢对英国经济吹毛求疵,他对此还会不屑一顾。
3. Latin American recessions can cost the exchequer 20% of its revenues, compared with 6% for the OECD as a whole. 衰退可能导致拉美政府失去20%的财政收入,相比之下,OECD作为整体只会损失6%。
1. the funds of a government or institution or individual