1. She excelled all other authors of her day. ������ͬʱ���������������ҡ�
2. To excel at sales, you first must know your product, and then search out the perfect customers for that product. ����붮����IJ�Ʒ��Ȼ��Ϊ��IJ�Ʒ�ҳ���ѵĿͻ���Ҫ����������ҵ������á�
3. As you progress in your career, your job responsibilities will change and you will need new skills to excel in your roles. �����ְҵ����ȡ�ý�����ʱ����Ĺ���ְ��ı��������Ҫ�µij����㵱ǰ��ɫ�ļ��ܡ�