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evidence ['evidəns]



    n. ֤�ݣ�֤������������
    vt. ֤��



    1. She evidenced her approval by promising her full support��
    2. Can you present any evidence in your defense?
    3. The prosecutor presented evidence at the trial.


      1. your basis for belief or disbelief; knowledge on which to base belief
      2. an indication that makes something evident
      3. (law) all the means by which any alleged matter of fact whose truth is investigated at judicial tria
      1. provide evidence for; stand as proof of; show by one's behavior, attitude, or external attributes
      2. provide evidence for
      3. give evidence


    ֤��; ֤����֤�ݣ�֤��; ����; ����,֤��,�μ�,����;
    empirical evidence
    ������ʵ��; ʵ��֤��; �����ϵ�֤��; ʵ����;
    Physical evidence
    ����չʾ; ���������չʾ; �����Ե; ʵ��֤��;
    cumulative evidence
    �ۻ�֤��; �ۼ�֤��; ����֤�ݣ���֤���ۻ�֤��;
    incriminating evidence
    ����֤��; ����֤��; ֤�������֤��; ����֤��;


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