at last��at length��eventually��finally��in the end��lastly
at last ��ָ������Ŭ�����˷��������Ѻ�����ڴﵽĿ�ġ� at length ǿ������һ�γ�ʱ���������ɣ�������ʱ�䲿�֡� eventually �����ڶ�������Ϊ�Ľ���� finally ����at last���ã��������ڶ����µ���������finally��������ɫ�ʣ�ָһϵ�����������֡� in the end ��at lastͬ�壬��in the end������ָ����ȥ�����ɱ�ʾ�ԡ�δ������Ԥ�ơ� lastly ָ����˳������ͨ�������о�����ij��ϡ�
1. She finished the third thing eventually, and the most difficult thing. ����������˵������£�Ҳ�������ѵ�һ���£�
2. One secondary spermatocyte divides and eventually grows into two sperm cells. һ���μ���ĸϸ�����Ѳ����ղ����������ӡ�
3. Eventually she went back to her father solely because there was no other way. ���ֻ����Ϊʵ��û�б�İ취�ˣ����Ż�ͷȥ�����ְ֡�
1. within an indefinite time or at an unspecified future time
2. after a long period of time or an especially long delay