1. The old professor was greatly loved and esteemed. ��λ�Ͻ����ܵ���ҵİ�������
2. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly. ���ǵõ�̫���۵ģ�����������̫�����
3. However, experts have theorised that high self-esteem can also act as a cushion for those times when life lets us down. ������ר�������������Ϊ������������������ʧ����ʱ��ͬ������һ��������桱�����á�
1. the condition of being honored (esteemed or respected or well regarded)
2. a feeling of delighted approval and liking
3. an attitude of admiration or esteem v.
1. regard highly; think much of
2. look on as or consider