1. I do not suspect him of equivocation, still less of lying. �Ҳ���Ϊ������˸��ʣ�������˵�����������ˡ�
2. How many lies he should have to tell, or how much equivocation he must use in order to keep the truth from her. Ϊ�˰���ʵ������������������˵���ٻѻ����������ö���ģ�����ɡ����������Ĵʶ�����
3. Macbeth is also concerned with the notion of "equivocation", using words with a double sense in order to deceive. ��˰��͡�ģ�����ɵĻ����йأ�������һЩ��˫������Ļ��������ˡ�
1. a statement that is not literally false but that cleverly avoids an unpleasant truth
2. intentionally vague or ambiguous
3. falsification by means of vague or ambiguous language