1. of Link = the major equipage status of the signaling link. ��������·����Ҫ�豸״̬��
2. We stop at the entrance of a wood, wait for the arrival of our equipage. ���������ֵĽ��ڴ�ͣ���������ȴ�����װ���ĵ�����
3. There are a group of service man in peaceful age, who wears no military rank and military equipage. Their battleground is invisible, and their mission is different from the other's. ��ƽ���������һȺ���ˡ������Dz�����װ��������κξ��Σ�����ɫī����˫�����Ǵ������ߡ����ǵ�ս�������ε�ս�ߣ��������縺��ʹ��Ҳ������������ʿ����
1. equipment and supplies of a military force
2. a vehicle with wheels drawn by one or more horses