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entry ['entri]



    n. ���룻��ڣ���Ŀ���Ǽǣ�[��]���������������ص���ռ



entrance   ����㷺���������롱��ʱ�����������ೡ�ϣ�������ڡ���ʱ��ָ���Ż�������ڴ���
entry   ǿ����ʽ�ء����ǵؽ��롣��������ڡ���ʱ����ָ���š�Ժ�š����ȵȡ�
admittance   ָ���ɽ���ij�ػ�ij�����
admission   ָ����������ij���������������Ȩ����Ҳָ����ijһ��֯��


    1. No entry for this package in the database.
    2. This structure requires entry into different modes to accomplish particular tasks.
    3. Upon entry into timelessness, the struggle with death ceases, and light and dark find their true purpose.


      1. an item inserted in a written record
      2. the act of beginning something new
      3. a written record of a commercial transaction
      4. something (manuscripts or architectural plans and models or estimates or works of art of all genres
      5. something that provides access (to get in or get out)
      6. the act of entering


    �Ŷ��ն����; �������������������룬���; ��ˮ; ����;
    Order Entry
    ��������; ����������; ����¼��; ������¼;
    entry strategies
    journal entry
    ��¼; ��Ʒ�¼; �ռ��ʷ�¼; ��¼��¼;
    customs entry
    ���ڱ���; ���� ����; ���ؽ���˰��; ����;


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