1. As an entrepreneur, you often jump at any chance to expand your business. ��Ϊ��ҵ�ң��㾭����ץס�κλ����������������ҵ��
2. The entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploits it as an opportunity. ��ҵ������Ѱ�ұ仯���Ա仯������Ӧ����������Ϊһ�����ᡣ
3. You could get a job at an American multinational, learn capitalist skills and then come back and become an entrepreneur. ���������������˾�õ�һ�ݹ�����ѧϰ�ʱ�����ļ�����֮�������Ϊ��ҵ�ҡ�
1. someone who organizes a business venture and assumes the risk for it