1. We believe that nowadays many people are under enormously high pressure or motion injure. ������Ϊ���ֽ�ܶ��˶����ھ��ѹ��������˺�֮�¡�
2. However, his tiny size benefits him enormously. In January, he had the proud experience of attending a show in Tokyo, Japan, with the invitation of a local television station. ��������С�����Ĵ������ܶ�ô�������һ�£���Ӧ����һ�ҵ���̨�������ڶ�����ϯ�������Ǹе��Ժ��ĵ��ӱ��ݡ�
3. Agricultural incomes fluctuate enormously during the year and from year to year. Do consumption and investments fluctuate as well, or are households protected from these fluctuations? ��һ��֮�ڣ����һ�굽��һ���ũҵ���벨�����ܴ�������Ͷ��Ҳһ�����������Ǽ�ͥ�����Ⲩ����Ӱ�죿