1. The taste for them is as enigmatical and yet as common as the taste for dogmatic theology and the poetry of Edgar A Guest. 人们对这类丑陋图案的欣赏,就同某些人对教条主义神学和埃德加·A格斯特的诗歌的迷恋一样,既不可思议,又让人习以为常。
2. Thus he proceeded in a tolerably perplexed state of mind, putting to himself a hundred questions about this enigmatical personage. 所以他一路跟着走,心里着实踌躇,对那哑谜似的怪人,提出了上百个疑问。
3. As an enigmatical and abstruse theoretical masterpiece on painting, Shitao"s Hua-Yulu plays an important role in the history of Chinese aesthetics." 作为中国画学史乃至中国美学史的经典著作,石涛《画语录》自进入人们的视野开始,就笼罩着一层谜一般的氛围,以致研究者有“解谜”之叹。