1. It is not true that the enfranchisement of all will result in racial domination. ����ȫ�������Թ���Ȩ����������ͳ�Σ����ֹ۵��Dz���ȷ�ġ�
2. He demanded the enfranchisement of every white man no matter what his status, education, fortune or work. ��Ҫ���ÿһ�������Թ���Ȩ��Ҳ����������λ��Σ��ܽ����̶ȸߵͣ��Ʋ���ѣ�����ְҵ��
3. The Kuwaiti parliament, which had only functioned very briefly and ineffectually before, was reconvened and the emir backed the enfranchisement of women. ֮ǰְ�ܼ���Ч�Ŀ����ع��������ٿ�������������˹�ֹ��ҵ��������Ǹ�Ů��ŵĺ�ܡ�
1. freedom from political subjugation or servitude
2. a statutory right or privilege granted to a person or group by a government (especially the rights o
3. the act of certifying or bestowing a franchise on