1. What can be done endorsement of the transfer? ʲô����¿���������ת�ã�
2. Wish to return our company to offer this endorsement and signature to confirm that you accept our offer. ���뷵�ش˱��۸����ǹ�˾���Ͽɺ�ǩ��ȷ�����������ǵı��ۡ�
3. The magazine noted that "Person of the Year" is not an honor or an endorsement a recognition of leadership that shapes the world. ��ʱ������־ָ����������������һ��������Ҳ����һ���Ͽɣ��Ըı�����ĸ��˻������ij��ϡ�
1. a promotional statement (as found on the dust jackets of books)
2. a speech seconding a motion
3. formal and explicit approval
4. a signature that validates something
5. the act of endorsing