1. We are tightening the encirclement of Gaza City, Israeli commander says. ���ǣ����ڣ��ӽ���Χ��ɳ�ǣ���ɫ��ָ�ӹ�˵��
2. This opens a breach in the imaginary encirclement caused by our inaction. ֻҪ���Dz���������Ͳһ��İ�ΧȦ����һ��ȱ�ڡ�
3. Reporter Yuan Man) sustained high domestic overheating investment industry, the supervisory Chuquan again. The four state-owned commercial banks collective "encirclement" has begun. ������Ԭ�������ڹ�����ҵͶ�ʵij������£����ܲ��ٶȳ�ȭ���Ĵ������ҵ���еļ��塰Χ�ˡ��Ѿ���ʼ��
1. a war measure that isolates some area of importance to the enemy