empty ָ����һ�˻�һ���ն�������ġ� vacant ��ͨ�ôʣ�����ij���ij��λ��û�б�ռ�á� hollow ָ�����м��ǿյġ� blank ָ����û��д�֡�ӡˢ�����ǺŵĿհױ��棬��ָ��������������д�Ŀհ״��� open ָδ��ռ�У��Ӷ��ɱ����˵õ��ġ�
1. We emptied the bottle. ���ǰ���ƿ(����)�ȸ��ˡ�
2. Life is but an empty dream! ����������������һ����
3. So��was the water bottle full or empty? ��ô˵���Ǹ�ˮƿ�ǿյĻ������ģ�
1. a container that has been emptied
2. make void or empty of contents
3. become empty or void of its content
4. leave behind empty; move out of
5. remove
6. excrete or discharge from the body adj.
1. holding or containing nothing
2. devoid of significance or point
3. having nothing inside
4. needing nourishment
5. emptied of emotion