1. to embed tiles (or stones) in cement ��ˮ����������ש(��ʯ��)
2. Copy and paste this embed code onto your site. Your site visitors will be able to read and post messages to this room. ���Ʋ������������Ƕ�뵽������վ��������վ�����߽������Ķ�����������Ϣ���������ҡ�
3. The simplest way to embed a video is to use a video element and allow the browser to provide a default user interface. ��ķ�������Ƕ����Ƶ����������ƵԪ�أ���������������ṩһ��ȱʡ���û����档
1. fix or set securely or deeply
2. attach to, as a journalist to a military unit when reporting on a war