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embed [im'bed]



    vt. ���֣�ʹǶ�룬ʹ���룻ʹ��������



    1. to embed tiles (or stones) in cement
    2. Copy and paste this embed code onto your site. Your site visitors will be able to read and post messages to this room.
    3. The simplest way to embed a video is to use a video element and allow the browser to provide a default user interface.


      1. fix or set securely or deeply
      2. attach to, as a journalist to a military unit when reporting on a war


    Ƕ��; Ƕ��,��ֲ; ����ֲ��; ��Ƕ;
    to embed
    ��Ƕ; Ƕ��;
    Widget embed
    ������������Ƕ��; Ƕ��ʽ�Ĵ�;
    Embed Watermark
    Ƕ��ˮӡ; Ƕ��ˮӡ�˾�; Ƕ�븡ˮӡ;
    embed system
    Ƕ��ʽϵͳ; Ƕ��������ʽϵͳ;


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