1. Silence is more eloquent than words. ��Ĭ�Ǹ���˵�������Դʡ�
2. The eloquent and ornate carving on a church pulpit was done by Indi-an hands. �ڽ��ý�̳�����װ�λ����ĵ��Ʒ�dz�����ӡ�ڰ���֮����
3. There is no doubt that you are a passionate, eloquent speaker and I applaud you for that, but when you look at what we face in this country. �����������Ǹ�������ģ��ڲźõ��ݽ��ˣ���Ϊ��������ƣ����ǵ��㿴��������Ե�������ҡ�