1. Tip: Elemental arrows refer to Water, Fire, Gas, and Moss arrows. ��ʾ��Ԫ�ؼ�ָ����ˮ�������������������̦����
2. Protection by gas relay is one of the elemental protection of transformer. ����̵��������ǵ�����ѹ����һ�ֻ���������
3. In vortex form, the elemental can move through the water, even along the bottom, at its swim speed. ��������̬�£�ˮԪ�ؿ�������Ӿ���ٶ���ˮ�´��У�����˳�ź���ǰ����
1. relating to or being an element
2. relating to severe atmospheric conditions
3. of or being the essential or basic part