1. An Elegy of the World "at Dusk" --on the Lyric Poetry of Alfred Prufrock. ���ƻ衱����İ��衪���ۡ���������¡���³����˵���衷��
2. A tune miserable love elegy ---"NJ the Chushan Room" and "Gives to Loves Mi a Li's Rose" the explanation. �����NJ��ɽ�����͡�����������һ��õ�廨���Ļ�����д�������ӽǡ�
3. "Poena damn i"is the thing with feathers. That perches in the soul and sings the elegy without the words, and never stope. ��ʧ���ʹ�ࡱ�Ǹ�����ë�Ķ���������Ϣ�����֮�У������ʵı��裬��Զ����ͣϢ��