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eclipse [i'klips]



    vt. ʹ��Ȼʧɫ���γ�ʴ
    n. ��ʴ����ʴ����Ȼʧɫ



    1. The moon eclipses the sun.
    2. An eclipse is an interesting phenomenon.
    3. Your best day for career will happen on or very close to July 7. On that day, unrelated to the eclipse, Mars will send a golden beam to Uranus.


      1. one celestial body obscures another
      2. exceed in importance; outweigh
      3. cause an eclipse of (a celestial body) by intervention
      4. cause an eclipse of; of celestial bodies


    ��������˹; ������˹; ��ʴ; ʹ�����μ��;
    eclipse period
    ������; ������?; ϸ��������}������; ���壺������,�ް���,DZ����,������;
    Eclipse rover
    eclipse year
    ʳ��; ʴ��; ������; ��]ʴ��;
    Eclipse Foundation


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