1. Saw his agile movement and the gigantic fist, could not but be dubitable he before whether to have been the boxer. ���������ݵĶ�����˶���ȭͷ�����ò����˻�������ǰ�Ƿ�����ȭ��ѡ�֡�
2. and to assure their "clients" in doubtful situations by means of an dubitable meta-language based on critical inspections and skeptical interviews and reviews. ʹ���ϸ����鼰�ֻ���̬�ȵķ�����عˣ������ɻ��˵ĺ������ԣ����ṩ�����ɻ��еġ��ͻ������ϡ�
3. and to assure their respective clients in doubtful situations by means of an dubitable meta-language based on critical inspections and skeptical interviews and reviews. ʹ���ϸ����鲢�Է�����ع˳ֻ���̬�ȣ��Խ����ɻ��˵ĺ������ԣ��ṩ�����ɻ��еġ��ͻ������ϡ�