1. See wayside number person suddenly, it is hunch, sinister in appearance, they are in wayside place a table, fruit box is placed on the table, saying is government-owned see sb off only. ����·�����ˣ����������ձ�����Ŀ�����ģ�������·�������ӣ��������ϰ��Ϲ��У�˵��רΪ�����еġ�
2. No single failures of any wayside radio DCS will result in train-Ground communication failure. wayside radio DCS are redundant and highly available . �κε�һ��������DCS��ʧ�ܲ��ᵼ�³���ͨ��ʧЧ����������DCSΪ������ƣ����и߶ȵĿ����ԡ�
3. A wonderful massage blend for babies is 1 drop Roman Chamomile, 1 drop Lavender, 1 drop Geranium diluted in 2 Tablespoons Sweet Almond oil. ��Ӥ����õİ�Ħ����1��������ʾգ�1���²ݣ�1�����ÿ���ϡ����2���������������͡�
4. Of cuddle city drop make person of a lot of Hong Kong drops into " negative capital " , of building city drop to also drop the state of mind of Hong Kong person " lost a balance " . §�е��µ�ʹ�úö�����˶������ˡ����ʲ�����¥�е��µ�Ҳ������˵���̬���á�ʧȥ��ƽ�⡱��
5. Cell voltage was decreased by decreasing the over potential of electrode reaction, the voltage drop within diaphragm, the voltage drop of solution, and contact voltage drop. ͨ�����͵缫��Ӧ����λ����Ĥѹ������Һѹ���ͽӴ���ѹ�����ﵽ���Ͳ۵�ѹ��Ŀ�ġ�