1. The female dramatis personae in this book is a real portraiture of writer. ����Ů���˹������ߵ���ʵд�ա�
2. To have a cup of coffee or tea and play light music first, then I would like to enjoy the pain and happiness of dramatis personae���� a suppositional word. ���Ը��Լ���һ�����Ȼ���裬Ȼ�������������֡����ǿ���ȥ��С˵�е����˹�һ��ȥ����ʹ��Ϳ��֡���һ����������硣
3. Brief Introduction to Thaumaturgy Little Knight-errant Mu Tong, the dramatis personae of the thaumaturgy little knight-errant, always making waves, is a badness student in his teachers mind. �����С�������˹���ͯ��һ������ʦ���е�Ƥ�����ġ�������ѧ�����������е�ð�վ�������Ʒ�ʺͺ�ˬ���ԣ�ȴ�ܵ���ͬѧ�ǵ�ӵ����
4. As the incomplete love going along with polt, a tragic ending arised among dramatis personae. ֻ�����еİ��鲢����������Ů���˹��İ���������һ�����硣
5. This story is happened between girl and boy which is not became lover, Dramatis person is the girl which is loved by relater. Our story strat from Augsut 14th , 2008. ����һ����û�г�Ϊ���˵���Ů֮����£����˹���һ������������Ĺ�����ǵĹ��´�2008��8��14�տ�ʼ��
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