1. Jack Mallory, a draftee American dentist, drilled the message in Morse code into General Hideki Tojo's dentures while the general was imprisoned in occupied Japan. ����Ӣ���������˾�ռ����ձ������ϼ���ڼ䣬���������������ҽ�ܿˣ����������仰��Ħ��˹�ź����ڶ���Ӣ���ļ����ϡ�
2. Shali, as everyone called him, had entered the army as a draftee and risen through the ranks to his current position as the commander of NATO and U. S. forces in Europe. ɳ�ÿ���˶���ô��������һ����������ľ���һ·������Ŀǰ��ְλ������Լ������פŷ����˾�
3. Authority: 1) the draftee requisition quota review system should be transparent and fair, and allow requisition agency to be involved in personnel planning and quota augmentation; �����ܻ��ؽ��飺1����������Ա��֮��˻���Ӧ�������������������û��ز��������滮����ȡ����;����
1. someone who is drafted into military service