1. In his eye there was a doubtful light. �����۾���˸��һ�ֻ��ɵĹ�â��
2. It is doubtful that many of us would have to go through this kind of pain today, but it does happen. Ҫ˵���ǵ��������˻��ڽ����ܵ���˵�ʹ����ֵ�û��ɵģ����ǵ�ȷ���������¡�
3. You might feel doubtful to my words, but you cannot deny it that in an unbound space and time the things that cannot be imaged could definitely not happen. ��ʱ���ֻ�а��Ű��ɵ����Ҵ�ţ����Ϊ�㲻�ܷ���������ʱ��������Խ����Ŀ���ʵ�ڣ���δ��һ�����ᷢ����
1. open to doubt or suspicion
2. fraught with uncertainty or doubt
3. unsettled in mind or opinion