1. Are employees allowed to enter and leave the dormitory at any time? ��Ա�Ƿ������κ�ʱ�������뿪�����أ�
2. We had seen to noon, head to the cafeteria to eat lunch, then one afternoon on the dormitory network. ����һֱ�������磬����ȥʳ�ó��緹�����극�������������һ�����������
3. The third and the last week are weeks for literature and art. Almost every dormitory plunge a lot of time and energy in these two. �����ܺ͵������������ܣ��������������ÿһ�����ᶼͶ���˺ܴ�ľ������������Ѿ���һ���ı���ߣ�
1. a college or university building containing living quarters for students
2. a large sleeping room containing several beds