1. Enhance clients' work skills through simulated work tasks, and facilitate clients' return to work through Functional or Work Capacity Evaluation, work hardening and work resettlement service. ��������������������ǿ���ƻ����������÷���Э�������ط���ҵ��
2. Core courses: Introduction of Social Work, Case Work, Group Work, Community Work, Social Work Administration, Conspectus of Social Security, Social Welfare Thought and Social Policy. ��Ҫ�γ̣���Ṥ�����ۡ�����������С�鹤����������������Ṥ����������ᱣ�ϸ��ۡ���ḣ��˼�롢������ߡ�
3. Work quietly and quietly work, serious work . even if it is unloveliness also love their work. Do not***plain, should not be given up lightly. �����Ĺ����š�ĬĬ�Ĺ����š�����Ĺ����ţ����㲻�ɰ�ҲҪ�Ȱ��Լ��Ĺ�������Ҫ��Թ����Ҫ��������
4. Work quietly and quietly work, serious work . even if it is unloveliness also love their work. Do not complain, should not be given up lightly. �����Ĺ����š�ĬĬ�Ĺ����š�����Ĺ����ţ����㲻�ɰ�ҲҪ�Ȱ��Լ��Ĺ�������Ҫ��Թ����Ҫ��������
5. VDT work differs from conventional office work and workshop work in terms of the form of work and the influence on the operator. VDT��ҵ����ҵ��̬������ҵ��������������Ӱ�첻ͬ�ڴ�ͳ�İ칫����ҵ�ͳ�����ҵ��
Allocates the manpower to the work position and controls with the help of the foremen the quality of the work ���乤�������������ܵ�����¿��ƹ�������;
Allocates the manpower to the work position and controls with the help of the foremen the quality of the work ���乤�������������ܵ�����¿��ƹ�������;
Work proactively with responsible attitude and reliable for any assigned work by the company ���������������������ģ��ܹ�����̤ʵ��ɹ�˾���ŵ�ÿ���;
figure out work out work out at �����;
break in get busy go into operation set about one's work set to work ��ʼ����;