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divine [di'vain]



    adj. ��ʥ�ģ��Ƿ��ģ���͵ģ����õ�
    vt. ռ����Ԥ�ԣ���ռ����̽
    vi. ռ����Ԥ�ԣ�ʹ��ռ����̽��
    n. ��ʦ����ѧ��



    1. At last I divined the truth.
    2. Divine Incarnations belong to this class.
    3. I am divine.


      1. terms referring to the Judeo-Christian God
      2. a clergyman or other person in religious orders
      1. perceive intuitively or through some inexplicable perceptive powers
      2. search by divining, as if with a rod
      1. emanating from God
      2. resulting from divine providence
      3. being or having the nature of a god
      4. devoted to or in the service or worship of a deity
      5. appropriate to or befitting a god
      6. being of such surpassing excellence as to suggest inspiration by the gods


    ���; ��ʥ��; ���Ե�; �Ƿ��ģ����˵ģ���ʥ��;
    divine favor
    ���챣��; ��֮����; ���; �����;
    divine intervention
    ��֮��Ԥ; ��������; ��ʥ����; �����쿪;
    divine buster
    ��������; ��������; ��ʥ�籩;
    divine service
    ���; ����; �ڽ̵�����ָ�����̰�ռͥ�񣨶����񣩵�������; ����;


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