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distribute [di'stribju:t, 'dis-]



    vt. ���䣻ɢ�����ֿ����ѡ�����




assign   ָ����ij��ԭ����е�Ӳ�Է��䣬Ҳ��һ���Ǻܹ�ƽ�ġ�
distribute   ͨ��ָ�����������Ϊ���ɷ������䡣
divide   ��ͨ�ôʣ����ؽ�ij��ֳ����ɷݷ�������ˣ���ij��һ��Ϊ��ʱ����ƽ������֮�⡣
allocate   ��Ҫָ��Ǯ���Ʋ���Ȩ���������ȵķ��䣬���ط���ı�����ר����;��


    1. They distributed political pamphlets in the hall.
    2. Now the question is how to distribute this processing.
    3. Its most obvious use is to distribute free pirated films, television shows and music.


      1. administer or bestow, as in small portions
      2. distribute or disperse widely
      3. make available
      4. give out
      5. cause to be distributed
      6. cause to become widely known
      7. spread throughout a given area
      8. be distributed or spread, as in statistical analyses
      9. be mathematically distributive
      10. to arrange in a systematic order


    ����,����; �ַ�; �ֲ�; ����;
    Distribute Linked
    �ֲ����ӵ�; �������Ӳ�; �ֲ�����; �ֲ�����ͼ��;
    Distribute Using
    distribute table
    allocate distribute


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