1. Some unfriendly French gangsters and French medias have distorted facts, has cheated the French people. ���ֲ��Ѻõķ�����ͽ�ͷ���ý����������ʵ����ƭ�˷�������
2. Because the packets cannot yet be simultaneously reassembled, the result is distorted audio and video streams. ��Ϊ��Ϣ������Ȼͬʱ����װ�䣬���������Ƶ����Ƶ��ʧ�档
3. Pictured above on the left, the gravity of a normal white galaxy has gravitationally distorted the light from a much more distant blue galaxy. ����Ӱ��������һ��������ɫ��ϵ����������ңԶ����ɫ��ϵ�����Ĺ�����Ť����õ��Ľ����
1. strained or wrenched out of normal shape
2. so badly formed or out of shape as to be ugly
3. having an intended meaning altered or misrepresented