1. DISS connection is a gasketed type that consists of the valve outlet, nut, nipple, and gasket. DISS��ͷ��һ�ֳĵ��ͽ�ͷ���ɷ��������ڡ���ĸ���ܽӿںͳĵ���ɡ�
2. This is called a DISS (diameter index safety system) connection and requires a nickel gasket that seals with 35 foot-pounds of torque. ������ΪDISS��ֱ��ָ����ȫϵͳ����Ҫ��ʹ������Ȧ���ܷ�ת��Ϊ35Ӣ��-����
3. Ultra-high-integrity service or DISS connections are designed for applications where the requirements for system leak integrity are very high, primarily in the semiconductor industry. ����������װ�û�DISS��ͷ������ڶ���ϵͳ��й¶������Ҫ��dz��ߵ�Ӧ�ã���Ҫ���ڰ뵼�幤ҵ�С�