1. He was one of the Abbots of Misrule, and his portfolio was to journey into the world of Krynn and dispense bad advice and terrible truths. ���ǻ���������һ�����ϣ�������Ҫְ������ڿ�����λ���ϳ����������һ�������ṩ����ͽ���-�����������Ų�ͬ���ǣ����ṩ�Ĵ���ǻ��ġ�
2. This system uses a linear vibratory unit to dispense powder material. ��ϵͳ����ֱ����װ���������ĩ���ϡ�
3. The equation is simply a dispense with if we are able to solve it another way . �˷���ֻ��һ���ֶ���������������һ�ַ�����⣬�˷��̿��������
4. And even to those sterile spots to which Nature has denied beauty, she yet contrives to dispense her smiles. ��������Щ����Ȼ���������ε�ƶ��������Ҳ��Ц�������
5. Druggists must dispense medicines with the greatest care . ҩ��ʦ���뼫��С�ĵ�����ҩƷ��