1. One day, to her daughter disgruntled father has complained about the difficult life. һ�죬Ů��������ɧ�����ױ�Թ������ļ��ѡ�
2. If the new investors were to become disgruntled, they may find it costly to sell in a hurry. ��ʹ�µ�Ͷ���˱�úܲ����⣬����Ҳ�ᷢ�ֶ��ڳ��۵���ʧ���൱��ġ�
3. A letter can help turn a disgruntled customers into a loyal one who will sing your praises by word of mouth. ���ſ���������ʹһ�������Ŀͻ�ת��Ϊ�����ڿ�ͷ��Ϊ�㳪����ҳϵĿͻ���