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discriminating [dis'krimineitiŋ]



    adj. ʶ��ģ��в��ģ���ʶ������
    v. ʶ��discriminate��ing��ʽ��������Դ�




    1. Some protestors criticized the government for discriminating against band three students.
    2. Discriminating from the traditional vocal music teaching, the "double choices" is a new system that can activate teaching and learning.
    3. Though not quite the sensation GM hoped it would be, Malibu is a solid, attractive and efficient competitor that should please even the most discriminating buyer.


      1. showing or indicating careful judgment and discernment especially in matters of taste
      2. marked by the ability to see or make fine distinctions
      3. having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions


    �в���; �������; ����; ʶ���;
    discriminating selector
    ����ѡ����; �б�ѡ����; ����ѡ����������ѡ����; ����ѡ����;
    discriminating object
    discriminating relay
    г��̵���; ����̵���,г��̵���; ѡ��̵�����г��̵���;
    discriminating power
    ������; ���壺�б�����;


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