drill ���ؽ�����ϵͳ�ģ��ϸ���ظ�����ϰ�� exercise ��ҪָΪǿ׳���Ƕ����еĶ�����Ҳ��ָ������ϰ�Ա����Ѿ���õļ��ɡ� practice ָ����ѧ�����ۻ�֪ʶ����ʵ���Ի�ü����뼼�ɡ� training ��ͨ�ôʣ���ָΪ����ij��ְҵ�����е���������������ѵ���� discipline �ȿ�ָѵ���ֿ�ָΪ�ﵽij�������̶ȶ����е�Լ����
1. The football team was disciplined by a professional trainer. ��֧������ܹ�רҵ����Ա��ѵ����
2. Good schools have good discipline. �õ�ѧУ�кõļ��ɡ�
3. It requires discipline and time to follow correctly. ��ȷ����ѭ������Ҫѵ����ʱ�䡣
1. a branch of knowledge
2. a system of rules of conduct or method of practice
3. the trait of being well behaved
4. training to improve strength or self-control
5. the act of punishing v.
1. train by instruction and practice; especially to teach self-control
2. punish in order to gain control or enforce obedience