1. It said that the DPRK will strengthen its nuclear power for self-defense purposes and restore the nuclear facilities that have been under the disablement process. ���ʱ�ʾ����������������̸Э����κ�Լ����������ǿ�����ĺ˶����������ָ��ڴ��ڼ�ȥ���ܻ��ĺ���ʩ��
2. We think that's in everyone's interest to do so, to continue the disablement of the nuclear facilities, to work toward the goal of denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula. ������Ϊ������������ʹ����ʩȥ���ܻ������ų��ʰ뵺�˻���Ŀ��Ŭ�������ϸ��������档
3. Since 2003, China has hosted several rounds of the Six-Party Talks, which also include the US, Russia and Japan. The talks have produced a landmark aid-for-nuclear disablement deal for the DPRK. �Դ�2003���������й��Ѿ���֯�ٿ��˺ü���������̸��������֯����������������˹���ձ�����̸�Ѿ�Ϊ��Э��������ʺ������ƻ���������̱���
1. the condition of being unable to perform as a consequence of physical or mental unfitness